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External Communication Policy

1.0 Policy statement

Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers Limited (Stanbic IBTC Pensions) recognizes the importance of two-way communication in the long-term survival of an organization. Therefore, it is important that both internal and external communications are clear, and all stakeholders carried along. With Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers’ multiple communication channels, customers and non-customers can easily reach out to the organization.

1.1 Objectives
The External Communication Policy (policy) aims to enlighten both customers and non-customers of Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers on the rules of communication, the channels of communication, use of company’s communication facilities, representation of the company in the media and third parties, confidentiality of company information and procedures, as well as how customers and prospects can access the Retirement Savings Account (RSA) and/or the Contributory Pension Scheme at large.

1.2. General Principles 
1.2.1. All spokespersons who speak on behalf of Stanbic IBTC Pensions, its business        units or subsidiaries must make media statements in line with the organization’s core values.

1.2.2. Employees that are not official spokespersons of the organization are NOT allowed to communicate with the media and upon receipt of a media enquiry, must refer such to the Corporate Communications Manager.

1.3. Guidelines
1.3.1. Publishing of Annual Reports/Financial Results

  • Financial Results and Annual Reports of the organization are reviewed by the Board Audit Committee and the External Auditors and recommended to the main Board for approval before publication. 
  • It shall be the Head of Finance’s responsibility to ensure that the organization’s financial statements fairly represent the state of affairs of the organization as at the end of the financial year and that of the profit or loss and cash flows for that period. The Chief Executive (CE) has the responsibility of getting final sign-off from the Board before publishing.

1.3.2. External Communication
The Chief Executive (CE) is responsible for approving all external communications on behalf of Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers. All press releases, photo news etc. as regards the organization must also have the concurrence of the Corporate Communications Manager and the ED, Business Development Directorate.

1.4. Communication Channels 
Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers is reachable via any of the channels listed below: 

1.4.1. Website

The Company’s website address is  From our website, general information about the pension industry can be accessed via our Frequently Asked Questions page as well as personalized information below via the secured site:

  • Generate Retirement Savings Account statement
  • Download Pension Registration Certificate
  • Apply for benefits
  • Update account information and much more.

1.4.2. Multilingual Call Centre
The Stanbic IBTC Pensions multilingual contact centre is easily accessible in the 3 major Nigerian languages - Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo as well as in English or Pidgin. Simply dial +234-02-01-2716000 to speak with us.
1.4.3. Email Address
The Company’s official email address is [email protected]. Pension related enquiries can be channeled via this email address for prompt response. 

1.4.4. Branch Network 
Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers has its presence all over the country with over thirty (30) service locations nationwide. Please click here for the list of our branches nationwide.

1.4.5. Physical Letters 
All physical/official letters to Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers should be delivered at the nearest Stanbic IBTC office or via email at [email protected]. All letters should be addressed to:

The Chief Executive
Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers Limited 
Stanbic IBTC Towers
Walter Carrington Crescent, Victoria Island Lagos

1.4.6. Digital Channels 
Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers is reachable anytime and anywhere via the digital channels listed below:

  • The Stanbic IBTC Mobile App – This is easily accessible on mobile devices via the iOS App Store or Google Playstore. With the Mobile App, clients can view their Retirement Savings Account (RSA) details, update their biodata, request for reference or embassy letters, access forms or checklists and use many other features. 
  • Our Short Code Service (30388) – This is accessible 24/7 using your registered telephone number. Clients can view their RSA balance, three-month contribution history, request their statement and more. 
  • MyPension Portal - Which is accessible via can be used to view Retirement Savings Account (RSA) details, apply for benefits, download RSA statement and many more features to manage your RSA on the go. 
  • Live Chat – The live chat platform is also available from 8am – 5pm on Mondays to Fridays via our website
  • Social Media - Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers equally has a strong online presence (@stanbicibtc) on social media platforms for example, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.

2.0 Applicability

The policy applies to all employees of Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers (that is, . full-time employees, non-full-time employees, temporary/contract employees), its customers, prospects, third parties or vendors and the general public.

3.0 Minimum Requirements to Comply with this Policy

3.1. Print Publication and External Media Relations
a.    The engagement of all new publications must receive written approval of an Executive     Director (ED) and the Corporate Communications Manager, or the CE. All such approved publications must clearly indicate who the editor(s) is (are) by showing the full name(s) at the end of each publication. Any publication with an unknown author is strictly prohibited.

b.    All official communication meant for external circulation must be approved by an ED, the Corporate Communications Manager, or the CE to ensure conformity with company regulations.

c.    All official company publications, banners, flags, sign posts, bill boards, etcetera, using the     company’s logo, must be in the format and colours approved by the Executive Director (ED), Business Development and the display must be in accordance with Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers policy relating to corporate and visual identity.

d.    Internal publications are restricted to the business activities of the department and are for internal circulation only with the approval of the “Head of Department and the Head, Human Capital & Administration”.

e.    All company communication and press releases shall emanate from such other person or entity authorized by the Corporate Communications Manager.

3.2 Media Relations

3.2.1. Departments or individuals are NOT authorized to speak or write in the media directly or indirectly on matters concerning the organization unless so authorized by the CE. The Corporate Communications Manager is responsible for all official contacts with the media.

3.2.2 For the purpose of the Nigerian market, bearing in mind the peculiarities of our regulatory system, there are three sets of spokespersons with different levels of interaction with media.

Group A:
The CE is the official spokesperson for the company. Only the CE is allowed to speak to the media on behalf of the organization.

Group B:

This group consists of:

i.    The CE who can speak for ALL areas of the organization.
ii.    The Executive Directors of the organization can speak for only areas of their businesses; for example, ED, Business Development Directorate (BDD) would speak for all areas of BDD.
iii.    The Head of Finance can speak on the company financials and investor relations matters.
iv.    The Corporate Communications Manager can speak to the media with approval from the CE.
v.    The Corporate Communications Manager is allowed to provide holding statements to the media without recourse to any of the categories.
Media Quotes: Only the above persons are to be quoted in news releases or advertorials on matters described above.
Group C:
This group consists of:
i.    Subject Matter Experts who can speak only on their areas of expertise in thought leadership capacities. 
ii.    Group C spokespersons can only speak with approval from an Executive Director in their business areas. The Executive Director is accountable for the performance of the Group C spokesperson at any speaking engagement. 
iii.    Group C spokesperson must undergo the staff media training before being nominated to speak on behalf of the business.

3.3       Internet Communications
Employees are NOT authorized to post publicly confidential or proprietary information of Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers business online like social media, blogs, and chat. Employees are disallowed from revealing sensitive information about the organization, its employees or clients that could result in breach of data privacy, information security or physical security. All content must be approved in accordance with section 3.1 above.

3.4. Reputational Risk Management
i.    It may happen, from time to time, that Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers receives publicity in the media that may have a damaging effect on its reputation. Such media could be newspapers, magazines, television, radio or the internet.

ii.    Unless the comments published directly mention Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers and not a general reference to the pension industry, Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers will not respond.

iii.    In the event that Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers receives publicity that has a medium to high risk of harming its reputation, the Corporate Communications Manager will consult with the CE for a final position to take with the media.

iv.    The company and its business units are NOT to respond in writing to letters of criticism that are sent to the media by employees, stakeholders or customers without the express approval of the CE and the Corporate Communications Manager. Where possible, the company prefers to come in direct contact with the writers of such letters in order to resolve the issue(s).

3.4 Crisis Communication

  • Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers recognizes the importance of effective communication to employees, customers, the media and other stakeholders during a crisis situation. In general, a crisis can be any incident that is likely to have a significant, severe or catastrophic impact on the business or reputation of the organization and its business units.
  • During a crisis, the CE and the EDs (where relevant) are the ONLY authorized spokespersons for the organization. Other spokespersons may be selected and assigned to communicate with any of the following groups: employees, customers and shareholders, in line with the Business Continuity Management Policy.
  • Crisis communication will be done in accordance with the Business Continuity Management Policy.
  • When a crisis arises in Nigeria, the CE will communicate the crisis to the Risk Management Committee as soon as practically possible.

3.5. Outside Business Interest Communication

3.5.1. Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers recognizes that staff members may have outside business interests or hobbies that they engage in outside office hours. When a staff member gets a media request (Print, Electronic or Digital) to speak on their personal business interests/hobbies, they MUST get clearance from the Compliance team with appropriate notification to the Brand & Marketing Manager.

Staff members are also to ensure that they state categorically through a caveat statement that their views/utterances are personal and in no way representative of the views of their employer.

3.5.2. Where a member of staff who is part of an interest group or is representing an interest group as a spokesperson is requested to engage the media as part of his representation; the staff is required to seek approval from the Compliance Officer, notifying the Corporate Communications Manager.

4.0 Exceptions

i.    There are no exceptions to this policy.
ii.     In cases of crisis, please refer to session 3.4 (Crisis Communication). 
iii.    It should be noted again, that ignorance or claimed ignorance shall not be accepted as an excuse for acts or omissions contrary to these rules. 
iv.    All breaches of these rules shall attract disciplinary action against the employee.

5.0 Roles & Responsibilities

5.1 Chief Executive

  • Chief spokesperson for the organisation.
  • Oversees and provide final approval to the Corporate Communications Manager on communication matters.

 5.2 Executive Directors, Head of Finance, Business Heads

  • EDs, Head of Finance and Business Heads are to speak on behalf of their business areas or as authorised by the CE.

5.3 Corporate Communications Manager

  • Provide holding statements where required, speaks on marketing campaigns and other strategic issues as agreed.
  • Ensure that the company is positively and accurately represented in public and the media, with coherent information that is in line with the company and its policies.
  • Ensure that authorised information to be released to the media is coordinated centrally through company authorised channels to ensure proper and effective dissemination both externally and within the company.
  • Ensure that for the purposes of disseminating information, the company engages with publications that are properly defined and registered; and that the engagement with these publications contribute to the building and the positive promotion of the reputation and brand.
  • Regulate use of electronic media for dissemination of information and data. Clearly communicates all procedures relating to responses to third parties and the granting of press, radio, T.V., and public interviews on matters concerning the company.

5.4 Board Risk Management Committee (BRMC)

  • Approve Policy

5.5 Executive Committee (EXCO)  

  • Recommend the Policy for BRMC approval.

5.6 Head, Client Experience

  • Responsible for coordinating all forms of communication to customers

 5.7 Client Communication Unit

  • Responsible for responding to customers’ enquiries via email, social media, live chat, and letters. 

 5.8 Service Standardization Unit

  • Responsible for managing information contained on the company’s website

5.9. Human Capital & Administration

  • Draw staff attention to their obligation of maintaining confidentiality relating to company matters.
  • Grant approval for dissemination of internal communication to all staff.

5.10 Compliance

  • Assess requests for media engagement by staff on their outside business interest and provide the required approvals.
  • Provides approval for Compliance related communication to customers

5.11 Internal Audit

  • Responsible for reviewing the process and ensuring implementation and compliance with this policy