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FUZE Marketplace
A space where shoppers, designers, artisans and vendors connect to experience a world of exciting offerings
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A Contemporary African Marketplace Vibe

A mix of stalls and installations adorned richly with African motifs

The FUZE marketplace was designed as a contemporary African marketplace for shoppers and vendors to connect through art and culture, fashion, gaming or tech, food, books and merchandise.

A platform proudly created by Stanbic IBTC to onboard new customers- designers, artisans and vendors to display and sell their products.

See highlights from FUZE 2024 Marketplace and anticipate more in the 2025 Edition

FUZE 2024 Marketplace - YouTube

A space for vendors to showcase and sell their products and services

The marketplace featured: Product Demos, Exhibition booths, Craft Shop, Vendor Stails, Food, Games and Giveaways

Marketplace vendor registration steps

Follow the steps below to register as a vendor

Call for Entry
Call for Digital Entry
Auditions and Selection
Grand Finale
Vendor Registration for the 2024 Edition has closed, see you at the 2025 Edition of FUZE Marketplace
We also offer
Making Voluntary contribution image
Contributing to a Retirement Savings Account

In accordance with the Pension Reforms Act (PRA), employers are required to make contributions to the Retirement Savings Account (RSA) of their employees. The minimum is 10% for the employer and 8% for the employee. These payments are sent to the Pension Fund Custodian's (PFC) account information below and are credited to the RSA as instructed by employers on the remittance schedule provided. The remittance schedule is a document in an excel format that contains details of the beneficiaries and how the contributions should be apportioned. Account Name: ZPC/SIPML PENSION Account Number: 1010885522 Sort Code: 057150013 Bank: Zenith Bank Plc

RSA Registation Image
RSA Registration

Retirement Savings Accounts are designed to ensure that funds are set aside and invested on your behalf until retirement. start saving now to secure a better future